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each Author's Edge episode

transforms BIG marketing ideas into simple, actionable steps


so that writing and launching your bestselling book is not only easier...

It’s way more exciting.


I’m Allison Lane, your host. I’m a nonfiction book coach, marketing strategist, and your biggest cheerleader. This podcast is for authors who know their wisdom needs to be shared with the people who need it most. If you're ready to discover your edge as an author, you’re in the right place.




Allison Lane 

I help experts write and launch the books they know they're meant to write, so they can help the people eager for their message.  

Agonizing over every step of writing and launching your book is a pain in the rear. And it's so much easier than you've been led to believe.

I'm here to help and be a one-woman PSA about book publishing and marketing.

Let's clear a path to getting your book into the world. 

Stop Pretending You're Not a Badass

 It’s time to let the world hear your message.

everybody loves allison

Without you, I wouldn't be holding my book right now.

Tracy Otsuka
podcast host + bestselling author
ADHD for Smart Ass Women: How to Fall in Love with Your Neurodivergent Brain

Allison is one of the hardest working women writers on here -- and she's zealous about helping other writers (especially women) transform the way they are going about writing and publishing to get closer to their goals. 

Courtney Maum, bestselling
author of The Year of the Horses + 4 more

I just want to say how grateful I am that I worked with you.

Miriam Schulman
artist, podcast host, author - Artpreneur: The Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Sustainable Living from Your Creativity 

Writing a book is hard. Getting it out there? Even harder. But Allison makes it all seem easy.

It’s hard not to wish I met you sooner.

Allison is the antidote to my creative anxiety! She is hilarious... like sitting down with a friend. 

You are giving people the keys to unlocking their genius.


You are a miracle worker. I learned a lot, your course kept me accountable and it's so great to know you're there for support with your gifts and talents. Thanks for your hard work and your wisdom!

Thanks for moving me from stuck to inspired.

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