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Hi, I’m Allison!

I help women experts share their brilliance through bestselling and award-winning books -- so they can reach more people and have a bigger impact on the world. 

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Shawon Davis

Hi, I’m Allison!

I help women experts share their brilliance through bestselling and award-winning books -- so they can reach more people and have a bigger impact on the world.

Book a Bestseller Call Now

You’ve been thinking about writing your book for a while.

Or maybe you’re trying to figure out the next steps in getting published, but… 

Between book proposals, publishing houses, and literary agents, you’re not sure what steps to take (or in what order)…

Believe me. I Get It.

Trying to navigate this process on your own can be painful. And it doesn’t help that there’s so much conflicting information out there. 

You really don’t know who to trust or what advice you should actually take.

It can be really discouraging, especially when you see other, less-qualified people publishing their book, with their faces all over the media, speaking on stages you should be on. Landing the opportunities YOU should have.

Shawon Davis

Because I’ve been the writer and marketer behind so many campaigns, businesses, products, and people, I understand how hard it is to find the right words, select the most impactful strategies, and produce real-deal hook without being salesy.

After 25 years of creating multi-million-dollar marketing and PR campaigns – presenting 100s of marketing hooks every year to major media – from Cosmopolitan to Men’s Health, Fortune to Martha Stewart, USA Today to Good Morning America 

Shawon Davis

I started consulting on several authors' book pitch packages, I was creating the positioning and urgency for their books…  

Then I started getting calls and emails and messages from experts, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs who were curious how I use my marketing expertise to turn their brilliance into books and “content” to get in front of a wider audience. 

... now, I share my high-delivery methods and proven marketing strategies – honed over decades – to help people magnify their message and connect with the eager audience who wants it.

I develop paths to publication and brand-boosting book launches for women experts, entrepreneurs, and storytellers of all sorts.

I’m ready to help you.

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You get my brand building expertise

Everyone loves Allison!


Courtney Maum

Writing Coach, Writer
Author - The Year of The Horses, Before And After the Book Deal, I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You, Touch, and Costalegre

“Allison is one of the hardest working women writers – and she’s zealous about helping other writers (especially women) transform the way they are going about their writing and publishing goals.”


Tracy Otsuka

ADHD coach, podcast host, and author - ADHD for Smart Ass Women 

“I got my first agent response just 17 minutes after sending the query. And then got agent offers on Day 2, Day 3, Day 4... ultimately four agents wanted to represent me and my book went to auction. You made me believe that, 'Yep, we can get this done.' And we did.”


Miriam Schulman

Artist, teacher, podcast host, and author - Artpreneur: The Step-By-Step Guide to Making a Sustainable Living from Your Creativity (Harper Leadership)

“I want to say how grateful I am ...“I have a proposal I am proud of, signed with my dream agent, and my manuscript got sold to a Top 5 Publisher. I gained so much clarity because I went through your whole proposal process. I got responses from top agents right away, including my agent who responded to my query in under an hour. And now, my book is out from Harper Leadership.”


Mel Miles

Coach, author - Soulcation: Design a Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From: A Guide to End Burnout, Unwind Anxiety, and Become Wildly Free in a Culture Addicted to Busy

“No writer can do this work alone. You want Allison in your corner. The one-two punch of her strong editorial pen and marketing guru smarts launched me to the next level of my writing life. Working with Allison was a game-changer in my journey. Allison is a breath of fresh air in a world where far too many people make the mistake of going at it alone. Allison holds nothing back, and when there's a spark, it's a bonfire!”

Book a Bestseller Call Now


Jen Lehner

Digital Marketing Strategist, Podcast Host, Coach - Front Row CEO

“To be honest with you. I’m really enjoying this. You’re so freaking smart and good. I feel super privileged that I get to work with someone at your level. You’ve done a really good job of making me feel well-cared for.”


Veronica Zora Kirin

Award-winning Serial Entrepreneur, Anthropologist, Author - Stories of Elders

"I confidently queried 20 agents. One replied to the stellar query letter Allison helped me craft within SIX HOURS. Others within only days."

Seen and Heard

Childhood Trauma with Non-fiction Author Coach — Podcast

ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka

Proposing Your Book to Publishers — Podcast

The Inspiration Place with Miriam Schulman

Why Food Memoirs Make Me Dream of the Flavors of My Youth

Zibby Magazine

How to Write Well, even if
You’re "Not A Writer”


Being A Working Writer Depends on One Thing: How Good Is Your Pitch?

Better Marketing

Unearthing a Community of Souls


Invest 3 minutes and Reconnect with Your Audience


How to Unearth Your Happy Heart

P. S. I Love You

4 Ways to Give Your Heart to Your Adult Rescue Dog

P. S. I Love You

5 Easy Steps To Get A Literary Agent and Publish Your Book


How to Hold a Pencil: The truth of online learning during the quarantine


How to Build Your Facebook Engagement

The Startup

Comforting the Dying During COVID-19

Capital Gazette

Don't Stifle That Sneeze and 7 More #Lifehacks from Grandma

The Startup

5 Easy Steps to Get a Literary Agent and Publish Your Book


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